Healthy living 3 simple recipes prevent inflammation – and are really tasty

Inflammatory diseases such as rheumatism or arthritis are widespread. The causes are manifold. In addition to genetic factors, diet also plays a crucial role. Studies have shown that…

Not good enough? You can do this against imposter syndrome

Do you know the feeling of never having really achieved anything or not worthy of success? Behind this is the impostor syndrome. We explain how you can fight…

Lose weight on your stomach How to get rid of belly fat without exercising

Are you actually happy with your body, but are you annoyed by the stubborn love handles on your stomach? Welcome to the club. Belly fat – especially your…

Preventing osteoporosis Three recipes for strong bones

Around six million people in Germany have osteoporosis. It occurs because the body loses bone mass with age. It is therefore important to strengthen the bones, for example…

Stay fit in old age That is Barbara Becker’s fitness secret

The 56-year-old actress, designer and author Barbara Becker (56) feels fitter than ever in her current body. In doing so, she relies on very specific methods. In an…

After the colorectal cancer diagnosis What is important now

When a colon cancer diagnosis turns life completely upside down, it’s good to know how to proceed and what those affected can do themselves. With around 63,000 new…

Healthy and cheap This superfood scores “very good” at ÖKO-TEST

Quinoa has been trending for a number of years. No wonder, since the grain is healthier than rice and a popular superfood. Several manufacturers can convince at ÖKO-TEST….

Simple tips help. 6 mistakes we make when we sleep damage our hair

Unfortunately, while we strive to maintain our beauty routine for a beautiful complexion every night, our hair is very different. We treat them neglectfully and are surprised that…

Case from Great Britain After a holiday, Mollie (24) receives a shock diagnosis of cancer

Mollie Mulheron (24) noticed swallowing and breathing difficulties when she made a trip to the Galapagos Islands. She was in such trouble that she almost drowned while snorkeling,…

Never enough 4 zodiac signs tend to gluttony

If you eat too much, you feel unwell and have health problems in the long run. But some zodiac signs find it difficult to find the right balance….