Losing weight at work 7 tips will help you lose weight in the office

Most of us spend most of our working hours sitting down. Movement only comes into play when you go to the coffee machine or the toilet. And when…

Spring cleaning checklist The most important to-do’s at a glance

Spring is finally officially here. And with him many start the annual spring cleaning. Here we offer you a checklist with the most important tasks in the household….

International Women’s Day Why International Women’s Day is celebrated

[ad_1] On March 8, International Women’s Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. Here you can find out how this day came about and why it…

Exercising in spring Motivation Sun – This is how you get back in shape very quickly

Today, March 20th, is the official start of spring. A perfect day to start the sports program. An expert tells you how to get fit again in spring….

1 meter lost on the belly! Jenni’s amazing journey to weight gain

Jenni Niemeyer has been plagued by obesity all her life. On her 30th birthday in the summer of 2019, the time had come: Jenni changed her life! BUNTE.de…