Zendaya their healthy avocado pasta is perfect for lunchtime
The US actress Zendaya is not only a big star who shines in series like “Euphoria” and blockbusters like “Spider-Man”. She also loves being down to earth in…

Smoking cessation help Are e-cigarettes an option?
Vascular surgeon Prof. Martin Storck from the Karlsruhe Clinic, together with a group of experts from the fields of pulmonary medicine, cancer prevention and addiction medicine, calls for…

“I’m totally amazed” Man from Texas becomes a bestselling author overnight thanks to influencers
A man from Texas wanted to make his dream come true and be a writer. Luckily for him, he happened upon an influencer. Now his books are ordered…

Shortly before her death from cancer Woman marries the love of her life on her deathbed
The most beautiful, but often the most tragic stories are written by life itself. This is also the case with Becky Mason († 69) and George Kelly (72)….

Good first impression You get to know 3 zodiac signs particularly quickly and easily
Some people have no trouble making a good impression the first time they meet you. Three zodiac signs in particular are real communication artists. Most people are well…

Clip goes viral Boy rings neighbor’s doorbell to make new friends
Sometimes an apparent failure gets the ball rolling. Such was the case with Shayden Walker of Amarillo, Texas. The boy’s urgent search for playmates has become known through…

Espresso Tonic Recipe for the non-alcoholic drink with a bang
Tonic water is not only the basis for drinks such as gin and tonic and vodka tonic, but also a real all-rounder. Without tonic water, all of these…

Addiction Mother with 800 tattoos is banned from pubs and schools
Welsh Melissa Sloan (46) is not a woman like any other. This immediately catches the eye, because more than 800 tattoos cover her body. Opinions differ on her…

do you know her Parents say five sentences quite often – and they are always true
Parents have a lot of wisdom in store – and they don’t always stick to the truth exactly when they say it. Otherwise, a lot of people would…

A fit start to the day Nine morning routines will definitely wake you up
Do you find it hard to get going in the morning? We have simple routines that are sure to get your day off to a better start. The…