
Instead of glass cleaner, surprising product cleans your windows spotlessly

Kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, window: In most households, all rooms and corners are cleaned from the ground up for spring cleaning. For many people, cleaning windows is particularly annoying, as the wrong cleaning agents tend to leave behind unsightly streaks and stains.

Instead of using standard household glass cleaner, you can also use a cheaper alternative and simply use the shampoo you normally shower with.

Because it gets your windows just as clean as with the special cleaner, and in the long run you can even save a few euros that you would otherwise spend on buying glass cleaner.

Shampoo for cleaning windows: what are the advantages?

In fact, there are some ingredients in shampoo that are also found in glass cleaners. For example, shampoo contains surfactants, alcohol and glycerine that loosen dirt and grease, preventing streaking and the build-up of new dirt for a short time.

Conventional shampoo that you shower with is a cheap substitute for glass cleaner. Due to the ingredients, you can also use shampoo as an alternative cleaning agent in other situations.

We have how you can use shampoo to make your kitchen shine again summarized for you in this article.

Clean windows with shampoo – this is how it works

All you need to clean windows is water, a bottle of shampoo you may have in the bathroom, and a microfiber cloth. First, put the shampoo and water in a 1:3 ratio in an old spray bottle and mix the ingredients together.

Now spray the cleaner over a large area on the windows and let it take effect for a short time. Then wipe the shampoo off the windows with the microfiber cloth.

This article first appeared on

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