
A Mission for Life Dog ensures daughters get to school safely every day

Becca Lynn shared this heartwarming story of her daughters and the family’s imposing dog, a large mastiff, on Facebook back in November 2019. Gordon proves himself as a four-legged protector in a natural and calm way.

Every morning ritual

The mother enjoyed the ritual of the dog and children every day, as “” reported. One day she grabbed the camera and filmed the recurring scene. The obvious difference between the massive, powerful four-legged protector and the delicate little girl is particularly touching.

Empathy on four paws

“Gordon makes sure his girls get on the bus safely every morning. I love him so much,” Becca wrote on her Facebook post. Even though the school bus stop is apparently very close to the house, having the dog as a companion gives the little girls and their parents a good feeling alike.

No reason for fear

With Gordon by their side, the girls are safe from danger. Mastiffs like him are among the largest and heaviest dog breeds and inspire respect just by looking at them. They are considered loving and gentle as long as there is no cause for concern.

Gordon will patiently wait as long as it takes

The camera caught the dog waiting patiently with the two daughters of the family in the snowy wintry landscape for the school bus to arrive. And only when the vehicle – with the girls inside – starts moving again does it return to the warmth of the house with powerful, elegant leaps.

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