In addition to the start of the holidays, there are changes to the child allowance and the culture pass is introduced. In June 2023 a lot will happen that is important
Changes, news, special features: June 2023 will bring that
1. The KulturPass for 18-year-olds
Anyone who comes of age from mid-June 2023 will receive a KulturPass from the federal government. The KulturPass comes with a credit of 200 euros, which the young adults can use for cultural events registered there. There are tickets for concerts, cinema, theatre, museums and other art and culture institutions. The 18-year-olds have two years to use up the credit.
2. Change in June 2023: New funding program replaces child benefit
Until last year, families who wanted to build or buy property could apply for the Baukindergeld. This subsidy will now be replaced in June 2023 by a new state subsidy, namely “Home ownership for families” (WEF). This means that families with low to medium incomes can receive favorable KfW funding, which is graded according to annual income.
The families must live in the property themselves and it must be a new build or first purchase in order to apply for the KfW loan WEF 300. The annual income must not be higher than 60,000 euros.
3. The first federal state will start its summer holidays in June 2023
While most federal states only have their summer holidays in July and August, in North Rhine-Westphalia they start on June 22nd. Due to the early start, the summer holidays end on August 4th, just a few days after Bavaria was the last to send its students on vacation.
4. Large-scale NATO maneuvers will fly over Germany
The NATO maneuver “Air Defender 23” is being planned from different countries and will take place in different parts of Germany. Fighter jets, transport and tanker aircraft will cause unrest in German airspace in June 2023. With this maneuver, the NATO members want to test how quickly combat aircraft can be ready for action.
Travel air traffic can be affected during use. However, it can be assumed that the airlines have adjusted to this and have already canceled or changed flights accordingly, since the planning was carried out well in advance. However, since some NATO exercises will not be announced until the next few days, there may of course be further changes to flights.
5. Rest mode for the Corona-Warn-App
In recent years, the Corona warning app has been one of the most used apps in Germany. It had over 48 million downloads and activations. With the end of the pandemic, it is no longer important for any contact tracing. However, as of June 2023, it will not be deleted but put into hibernation mode.
The vaccination certificates remain visible. So before you delete the Corona-Warn-App, you can easily download the certificates and save them on your smartphone.
6. Beyoné gives three concerts in Germany
As part of her world tour, Beyoncé will also come to Germany: three concerts will take place in Germany in June 2023. With a bit of luck you can see them live in Cologne, Hamburg or Frankfurt.