
Things are going stormy in Germany. The wind picked up again on Monday. But at the same time it is also getting warm in early summer here.


On Monday it will be stormy again and also wet in parts. Due to the warming, however, it will also be early summer in large parts of the country at the same time. But early summer turns out to be a flash in the pan – the storm, however, is not.

The storm comes from the Atlantic through the English Channel to Germany on Monday. In the north and west there are severe gusts of wind up to 100 km/h. Wind peaks of 80 km/h are possible in the rest of the country, especially near showers.

Storm alarm at the beginning of the week!

Large-scale storm warnings will be issued on Monday. There could also be restrictions, especially in rail traffic.

The rain will move from the west to the north-east and there will be a few showers after the heavy rain. The wind decreases to the south. There are gusts of wind only over the mountain peaks, but it is windy here too.

Temperatures are heading for the 20 degree mark

It gets warmest in the south: From the Upper Rhine to Lower Bavaria, temperatures of 20 degrees or even more are possible. The 20-degree mark can spread as far as Franconia. In the south it will also remain largely dry.

But that doesn’t mean it would get cold further north. In Cologne, 17 degrees are predicted, in Hamburg at least 14, and in Berlin 13 degrees. So it will be at least spring-like across the country, if not even early summer. But the warm weather only lasts for a day.

Temperature drop of 10 degrees within 24 hours

On Monday the highs in the south will reach 20 degrees and just 24 hours later it will be just 10 degrees. The strong storm on Monday not only pushes a huge wave of warm air in front of it, but also massively sucks in cold air from the north on the back.

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As warm as it gets on Monday, Tuesday is cold. It will remain stormy, but unfortunately cold this time when a prominent cold front hits us from the north-west. Cold rain is also moving across the country. From Tuesday evening the rain will even turn back to snowfall.

Barbecue weather yesterday, snowfall tomorrow

It’s hard to believe, but just one day after highs of 20 degrees, snow started to fall from the north. Wednesday will also remain windy to stormy, with showers, sleet or even snow showers.

The gusts of wind will end on Wednesday. It will stay windy until Friday. After that it’s mostly quiet again. In the north, a cool easterly wind will set in at the weekend.

Outlook: New warmth for the weekend

The weather is on a roller coaster right now. This is not unusual in spring. The jet stream is currently sending powerful storms from the Atlantic to Europe. This changeable phase will also bring us warm weather for a short time at the weekend.

But from next week it looks like slightly colder weather again, which could last until the end of March. Temperatures are expected to remain below average from next week.


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